题目:What is in Local Dialects? A Field Experiment on Social Distance and Human Capital Development in Job Training
主讲人:Sherry Li (李欣)
时间:2022年9月15日 10:00
摘要:This paper presents a field experiment at a large garment factory in China to investigate how social distance between new sewing workers and their trainers affect the efficacy of on-the-job training. During the factory’s new-worker training program, we randomly pair trainers and trainees based on whether they speak the same dialects. We find that trainers voluntarily transfer more sewing techniques to trainees who speak the same dialects, thus boosting their productivity relative to those who do not. Furthermore, this positive effect of dialect ties operates through non-work-related social connectedness between trainers and trainees. Our results suggest that social connectedness could be cost-efficient leverage to reduce training costs and improve training outcomes.
主讲人简介:Sherry Li (李欣),美国阿肯色大学沃尔顿商学院经济学教授兼行为商业研究实验室主任。中国人民大学财政学学士、硕士,美国密歇根大学经济学博士。研究领域包括行为与实验经济学、公共经济学和发展经济学。研究成果发表在American Economic Review、 Journal of Labor Economics、 Journal of Public Economics、 Games and Economic Behavior、 Journal of Development Economics、Experimental Economics等学术刊物上。在Google Scholar上的学术论文引用率超过4500。她在American Economic Review的发表成果之一、题为“Group Identity and Social Preferences”的论文(共同作者Yan Chen, 2009),作为实验经济学最重要的20篇论文之一,被收录在由Gary Charness和Mark Pingle于2021年编撰发表的标题为“The Art of Experimental Economics—Twenty Top Papers Reviewed” 一书中。李欣教授目前担任Economic Inquiry 与 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics的副主编。